CLIF Programs

CLIF provides a host of programs and free resources to schools and organizations across Tennessee. Please read about some of our signature programs below

Programs include: C.A.R.E.S. Club, Coins 4 Change, Victim's Assistance Network, Collierville Court Program, and the CLIF Champion Award. Explore below. 

C.A.R.E.S. Club

Children Advocate for Road Education & Safety

C.A.R.E.S.’ mission is to establish and assist teen-managed advocacy programs in high schools throughout Tennessee that focuses on traffic safety education, unsafe driving practices and emphasizes on preventive ways to decrease crashes, injuries, and fatalities amongst teen drivers. Through C.A.R.E.S. students work together, in C.A.R.E.S. Club, or other school-based clubs/organizations, in a peer-to-peer learning environment, in order to advocate for road education and safety amongst each other. Club members develop different ideas, strategies, and projects that address specific issues for young drivers in their schools and communities. Students will undergo key leadership training to better equip them to become life-long traffic safety advocates and future successors in the Tennessee workforce.

To learn more about the program, here


Coins 4 Change

The program is designed to help educate children about giving back. The program shows that the simple act of collecting change can have a large impact on the battle against childhood fatalities and safety on our highways. By teaching children that they can make a difference in the lives of other children and themselves, we empower them to recognize the power of one.  Students compete against their peers and other schools to win prizes while engaging in learning activities surrounding financial responsibility and road safety; and don’t worry teachers… there’s prizes in it for you too!

If you're interested in joining the Coins 4 Change program, please fill out this form to receive more information. 


Victim’s Assistance Network 

V.A.N. provides support to surviving victims of car crashes, or individuals dealing with the aftermath of losing someone as a result of a vehicle-related incident. Through support group meetings, free grief counseling sessions, and hospitality care packages, the V.A.N program aims to help ease the pain caused by being involved in car crash.

If you're in need of support, please fill out this form



“The seed that was planted by CLIF truly made me feel that I could change the world by simply not picking up my phone when I drive. Who knew traffic safety was so important? I will always remember that no text, call, or post is worth it.”

- 12th grader, Collierville High School

CLIF is excited to partner with the Honorable Judge William Craig Hall and the Collierville Municipal Court to provide distracted driving education to its juvenile traffic offenders. Juvenile offenders are required to attend and complete Distracted Driving course, including the following:

– Attend a Distracted Driving presentation at Colliervile Municipal Court  (offered monthly)
– Wear a “Don’t Text and Drive” awareness wristband while operating a motor vehicle during probationary period
– Take Distracted Driving oath and post signed oath on car visor until the end of probationary period
– Write a 500 word response to the presentation

For more information on the class schedule or for any questions please contact the Court Clerk, 901-457-2580.

 C.L.I.F. Champion Award

This award is given to individuals whose lives have been drastically affected by distracted driving, but they continue to persevere through their commitment to themselves, their community, and our fight to make the roads a safer place. CLIF is an organization that encourages academic excellence, community involvement, and a sincere lifelong commitment to refrain from any use of mobile phones while driving.

If you know of someone in your community who you believe embody these characteristics, please fill out this form.